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Your Online Store Needs a Change: Discover the Power of a Smart Search Engine.

For years, e-commerce has been one of the most used sales channels. There is a lot of competition and the user experience has become a key factor for the success of any online store. A fundamental part of providing a good user experience is the search engine. An effective search engine not only improves navigation and search accuracy, but also increases conversion rates and customer loyalty. In this article, we will tell you how a smart search engine will transform your online store and why it is an indispensable tool for any e-commerce business.

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The Importance of a Good Search Engine:

The search engine is one of the most used elements in an online store. Studies show that users who use the search function have a higher purchase intent and conversion rate than those who browse passively. An accurate search engine allows users to quickly find what they are looking for, improving their experience and reducing frustration.

However, not all search engines are the same. Basic search engines can fail to understand user intent, deliver irrelevant results, or misunderstand typos, idioms or languages. This is where the smart search engine comes in.

What is a Smart Search Engine?

A smart search engine uses advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence, to better understand user searches and deliver more accurate and relevant results. These technologies allow the search engine to recognize patterns and adapt to user preferences.

In addition, smart search engines can understand different inputs, including synonyms, typos and complex queries. They can also personalize results based on the user’s search history and browsing behavior, offering a more customized experience.

Benefits of Implementing a Smart Search Engine

Some benefits of including a smart search engine in your online store are the following:

  • Improves user experience: a smart search engine understands queries better and delivers more accurate and personalized results. This reduces user frustration and makes finding products easier and faster.
  • Increases conversion rates: users who quickly find what they are looking for are more likely to make a purchase. Therefore, an efficient search engine can significantly increase the conversion rates of your online store.
  • Personalize: an intelligent search engine can offer personalized results based on user behavior, which increases the relevance of the products displayed and improves customer satisfaction.
  • Manage inventory: displaying the products that you need to have a higher turnover due to overstock, gives you some control over what you want to sell more of.
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Implementation of a Smart Search Engine in Your Online Store

Implementing a smart search engine in your online store doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are some key steps to get you started:

Needs assessment: Identify your users’ needs and expectations: What kind of products are they looking for? What are the most common search terms? This information will help you select the right search technology.

Integration: The integration of the smart search engine should be seamless and not disrupt the user experience. Make sure the search engine is well integrated with your content management system (CMS) and your product database.

Customization and settings: Configure the search engine to customize results based on user behavior and preferences. Adjust search algorithms to handle synonyms, typos and complex queries.

Monitoring and optimization: Once implemented, monitors search engine performance. Use analytics to identify areas of improvement and adjust algorithms as needed. Search should be a constantly evolving function that adapts to the changing needs of your users.

Case Study: Kimera Technologies

Kimera Technologies is a clear example of how an smart search engine can transform the user experience in an online store. With its advanced Computer Vision technology, Kimera offers a search engine that not only understands text queries, but can also interpret images as if it were a human eye, providing accurate and relevant results.

Kimera’s solutions are proven to improve conversion rates and customer satisfaction, helping online retailers stand out in a competitive marketplace. Their ability to deliver personalized recommendations and accurate search results makes the shopping experience easier, faster and more effective.

As we discussed earlier, some of the benefits Kimera provides as a tool that applies AI to eCommerce search engines and recommenders are:

  • A significant improvement in the user experience, making navigation intuitive, easy and enjoyable. The last thing we want is to generate the famous “cognitive overload” in our users.
  • Our tool manages to increase conversion rates by 23%, optimizing the purchase and maximizing the performance of your online store.
  • Talking about customizing the online store only makes sense if we tell you about all the features that make it possible:
    • Custom filters: as many as required can be added to make the search as customized as possible.
    • Search history: allows users to re-select a previously performed search.
    • Skins: arrange the products as each online store wants, is a luxury that with Kimera you can afford.
    • Personalized results: choose what the user will see, as provided by the online store according to their sales preferences and available stocks.
    • Recommendation rules: recommends products of equal or greater value, following the visual style of the searches made by the customer and recommends based on that.
  • The integration of Kimera into your online store is simple and straightforward. Our technical team has developed intuitive and user-friendly integration solutions that allow you to incorporate Kimera into your platform without complications.
  • In addition to having specific functionalities for search engines and referrers, we also provide advanced analytics so you can measure the success of the tool and how much it is helping your eCommerce grow since its implementation.

Don’t underestimate the power of a smart search engine in your online store. Investing in this technology will not only improve customer satisfaction, but will also boost the growth and success of your business in the eCommerce world.

Contact us and start increasing conversions now!

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