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Optimizing the shopping experience with search history

In the competitive eCommerce industry, the key to success lies in delivering a seamless, personalised and efficient user experience. At Kimera Technologies, we understand that every user interaction with a website is an opportunity to improve the shopping experience and drive conversion. That’s why today we’re talking about one of our simplest, yet most effective features: Search History.

What is Search History?

Kimera Technologies’ Search History is an advanced feature that allows users to quickly view the products they have previously interacted with on your website. This tool integrates directly into the product page, making it easy for users to resume the shopping process without having to perform a repetitive search or remember exactly which products they were interested in in the past.

How does Search History work?

How does Search History work?

The way it works is simple, every time the user executes a search on your website, this search is automatically saved in the history. In such a way that after having browsed your website, when he/she wants to type something again, the previous search will be displayed under the bar, and will be accumulated successively with each entry the user makes. 

More often than we think, users forget what they have seen a few minutes ago, but they have in their minds that they liked a product. Implementing this tool will make it easier for them to find it again and make the purchase in a second search.

Advantages of Search History for your E-commerce

  1. Improve User Experience: Online shoppers often browse through multiple pages and products before making a purchase decision. Search History allows them to easily return to the products that interested them, improving the browsing experience and reducing frustration.

  2. Increases Conversion: Showing previously viewed products can motivate users to complete their purchases. Shoppers are more likely to purchase items when they can easily pick up where they left off, without having to search again.

  3. Encourages Personalisation: By remembering past interactions, our Search History provides a personalised shopping experience. This not only increases customer satisfaction, but also creates a stronger connection between the user and the brand.

  4. Facilitates Upselling and Cross-selling: Together with our other tools, such as the recommender and tagger, Search History can be used to suggest complementary or alternative products based on the user’s browsing behaviour, thus encouraging upselling and cross-selling.


Real use cases

Imagine a customer is looking for a pair of shoes in your online shop. He browses through several models, compares colours and styles, and then goes offline to attend to other tasks. When he returns, thanks to our Search History, he can immediately see the shoes he was interested in, without having to start the search process again. In addition, by showing her related products based on her browsing history, you can incentivise additional purchases, thus increasing the value of the average ticket.

Integrate Kimera Technologies’ Search History in your E-commerce

Integrating Kimera Technologies Search History is simple and highly beneficial for any e-commerce platform. This functionality, along with our other innovative solutions such as text search, image search, recommender and tagging, will allow you to offer a superior shopping experience focused on your customers’ needs and behaviours.

By leveraging our advanced computer vision technology, you can gain a significant competitive advantage, increasing both customer satisfaction and conversion rate.


In an environment where personalisation and efficiency are highly valued, Kimera Technologies’ search history provides powerful functionality to optimise the user experience and maximise sales opportunities. Discover how our technology can transform your business, offering your customers a more seamless, personalised and effective shopping experience.

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